A Navel Orange is a special type of orange which has a little surprise inside once it is peeled:
a partially formed undeveloped fruit like a conjoined twin, located at the blossom end
of the fruit. From the outside, the blossom end is reminis
cent of a human navel, leading
to the common name of "Navel Orange".This particular variety of orange is juicy& sweet, with minimum to no seeds.
Nutrition facts
Orange is loaded with the things that your body needs to stay strong day in and day out.
Adults who include 8 ounces of orange juice in their diet everyday increase their intake
of vitamin C, thiamin, potassium and other important nutrients. Parent's who serve 100%
orange juice to their children supply them with the nutrients needed to stay healthy.
Just look at all of the vitamins and nutrients that drinking a glass of 100% pure Valencia
orange juice gives you.
Vitamin C, Folate, Potassium, Calcium, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin 86,
Magnesium, Phytonutrients.
Oranges are sized according to the
approximate number of oranges per
carton which is:
December till March
We specialize in growing Spunta, Nicola, Safrane, Mondial and Alaska sorts of potatoes.
Our yearly production capacity is around 30 thousand tons.
Our main export markets are Greece, Italy, Germany,
Lebanon, Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
Because we are vertically integrated, we are land
owners, growers, we do our own harvesting,
weighing, quality control at the dock of the
station, cleaning, brushing, drying, sizing,
sorting and packaging. We have three quality control stages throughout
the process to insure flawless product, right size
and right packaging.
Nutrition facts
You bet! The potato is packed full of goodness. You'll probably know them as a well~known
and excellent source of low fat energy for
your brain and body. What most people
don't realise is that they also provide
substantial proportions of a whole
range of important nutrients: Fibre,
Vitamin C, potassium, Vitamin Bl,
BG, Niacin and Folate. Try this for
size a large jacket potato gives
you more than half of the dailyrecommended
child requirement of
Vitamin C.